A petition asking for flexible work hours for women with endometriosis has passed the necessary threshold to be debated in parliament. The petition requests the government to recognise endometriosis as a chronic disease and to take it seriously. Endometriosis is an incurable disease that one in ten women worldwide suffer from and can cause severe pain. However, it is not recognised as a disabling disease. A petition in 2021 asked two days of leave per month for women suffering from period pain. The two days never made it into a law, but the government said it would implement awareness around endometriosis. The current CSV-DP government is in talks with hospitals to study the introduction of nationally coordinated follow-ups for endometriosis patients.

Luxembourg’s economy is likely to grow slower than initially expected, says the national statistics agency, STATEC. In January, the institute had predicted an economic growth of 2% but this number is said to be ‘threatened’, with STATEC adjusting the growth forecast for this year to 1.5%. The decline in economic confidence is a trend across the whole Eurozone, particularly in the industrial, commercial and other non-financial service sectors. According to STATEC, the ongoing geopolitical crises in Ukraine and the Middle East are the reason for the reduced economic growth, as well as the potential recession in the US and a slowdown in China’s economic growth.
A new road sign should remind drivers of the law that motorised vehicles passing a cyclist must keep 1.5 metres distance. The sign is in black and white and shows a car and cyclist with an arrow in between showing the minimal distance of 1.5 metres. The law has been in place since 2018 and applies to both the city as the countryside. The law also entails that passing a cyclist is not allowed if the road is too narrow for a car to keep a 1.5 metres distance. The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works said that the new sign will soon be installed along stretches of state roads that are accessible for bicycles.