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Hallo an häerzlech wëllkomm bei “Lauschter mol!”, dem Polit Podcast vu Jonker, fir Jonker, an och net sou Jonker. An eiser 10ter Episode schwätze mer iwwert d’Zesummenhäng tëscht queer sinn, am Kapitalismus liewen an Pink Washing.
Musek: Pretty Lady (Tash Sultana)
Instagram: @lauschtermol
Méi zum Thema:
- https://www.tierindir.de/2021/06/20/ausbeutung-but-make-it-queer/
Lies mol!
- Giovanni’s Room – James Baldwin
- Rubyfruit Jungle – Rita Mae Brown
- This Book is Gay – Juno Dawson
- The Stonewall Riots: Coming Out in the Streets – Gayle E. Pitman
Kuck mol!
- The Half Of It
- Umbrella Academy
- She-ra and the Princesses of Power
- The Owl House
- Steven Universe
- Adventure Time
- Queer Eye
- Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
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