About this Episode

Local writers and poets far away help us get our creep on for Halloween night! And the studio MUST have been haunted – an odd hiss appears on the recording that was NOT there during the live show. And one guest started levitating. No, not really. But there is a hiss.
In the studio from Luxembourg’s Writers Who Talk asbl are Oana Marangoci, Benjamin Coles, Rett Perera and Lada Redley, and myself too – Wendy Winn. Benjamin Coles, while a talented writer himself, read works from published works by two of our local writers who couldn’t join us – Percy Lallemang and Zoe Perrenoud – and I read a flash fiction piece by Neil Hatfield. Look for Writers Who Talk on Facebook or look up their website, and join in for a weekly online lit crit night some Tuesday evening.
I also read poetry from an upcoming issue of the literary magazine The Vincent Brothers Review, whose next edition is appropriately on the theme of Ghosts. I wish I had had time for more, but I was able to read poems by Namrate Kasaraneni, Les Bares, Charlene Fix, Marianne Mersereau and Tony Reevy. To read more of their work and gripping short stories by a host of other writers, check out The Vincent Brothers Review on their website, on FB, on Insta and on Substack. And you can order print editions too.
The midnight hour was ticking down – we ran out of time: the jazz show starts promptly at 8 p.m. – so I added a bonus story for podcast listeners. You’ll find my own Halloween cautionary tale at the end of this recording.