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Fënnefopzwielef ass de politeschen Nohaltegkeetspodcast vu move., déi Jonk am Mouvement écologique. An och wann deen Numm villäicht den Androck vermëttelt, datt et ze spéit ass fir alleguerten déi grouss Froen a Krisen an der Welt unzegoen, wëlle mir hei am Podcast grad de Géigendeel beweisen. Et ass dringend, datt sech eppes ännert, mee mir hunn och d’Hoffnung datt mir all zesummen eppes ännere kënnen. Wéi, wat a wou? Dat gëss du hei gewuer. Maach dech prett fir spannend Interviewen, Reportagen an Diskussiounen zu all deene Froen, déi eis beweegen.
E Podcast vu Jonken fir Jonker.
Fënnefopzwielef is the political sustainability podcast by move., the youth organization of the Mouvement écologique. And even though the name might suggest that it’s too late to tackle all the big questions and crises in the world, we aim to prove the opposite with this podcast. It is urgent that something changes, but we also have the hope that together we can make a difference. How, what, and where? You will find out here. Get ready for exciting interviews, reports, and discussions on all the issues that concern us.
A podcast by young people for young people.